About me

I’m a Ph.D. candidate at The University of Manchester and the NaCTeM group. I’m advised by Prof. Sophia Ananiadou. My PhD journey started in July 2023. I obtained my M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

Research interests

My current research interests focus on Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models. Especially affective analysis (i.e. emotion detection and sentiment analysis), and misinformation detection (e.g. fake news, rumors, and conspiracy theories).


  • Aug 2024. New preprint: “Selective Preference Optimization via Token-Level Reward Function Estimation” at arXiv.
  • Aug 2024. New preprint: “Open-FinLLMs: Open Multimodal Large Language Models for Financial Applications” at arXiv.
  • Jul 2024. Our paper “ConspEmoLLM: Conspiracy Theory Detection Using an Emotion-Based Large Language Model” has been accepted by ECAI-PAIS 2024.
  • Jun 2024. New preprint: “RAEmoLLM: Retrieval Augmented LLMs for Cross-Domain Misinformation Detection Using In-Context Learning based on Emotional Information” at arXiv.
  • May 2024. Our paper “EmoLLMs: A Series of Emotional Large Language Models and Annotation Tools for Comprehensive Affective Analysis” has been accepted by KDD 2024.
  • May 2024. New preprint: “MetaAligner: Towards Generalizable Multi-Objective Alignment of Language Models” at arXiv.
  • Mar 2024 New preprint: “ConspEmoLLM: Conspiracy Theory Detection Using an Emotion-Based Large Language Model” at arXiv.
  • Feb 2024 New preprint: “The FinBen: An Holistic Financial Benchmark for Large Language Models” at arXiv.
  • Feb 2024 Our paper: “Emotion Detection for Misinformation: A Review” has been accepted by Information Fusion.
  • Feb 2024 Obtained the Turing Scheme Funding to work with Eduard Hovy as a visiting student at the University of Melbourne.

Professional services

Program Committee/Reviewer

SIGKDD’24, 25

Journal Reviewer

ICT express

Organizer/Session Chair/Volunteer


FinNLP-FNP-LLMFinLegal 2025

Financial Misinformation Detection (FMD) challenge

Research Projects

  • Emotion Detection and Misinformation Harms arising from Large Language Models. link
  • ManchesterMelbourne-Toronto Research Project

Awards and Achievements

  • Turing Scheme Funding for Study and Work Aboard
  • Scholar Award from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manchester (072023-122026)